Petting Garden:

Beyond the Brushstrokes:
A Transformative Encounter at Our Petting Garden

Unforgettable Connections:

Our Petting Garden is more than just a place to pet rescued animals. It's a space where hearts connect and misconceptions fade. Many visitors in Pakistan haven't had the chance to interact with rescued donkeys, dogs, or cats. Here, they can encounter these happy, healthy animals firsthand, fostering understanding and appreciation in a safe and positive environment.

Breaking Down Barriers:

This interactive experience dispels fear and replaces it with empathy. By connecting with rescued baby donkeys, goats, sheep, puppies, and kittens, visitors gain a newfound respect for these often-overlooked creatures. They discover the joy of interacting with animals traditionally viewed as working animals, fostering a sense of compassion that extends far beyond the Petting Garden.

Building a More Compassionate Future:

Our Petting Garden is more than just a petting zoo. It's a catalyst for change. By fostering empathy and understanding, we pave the way for a more compassionate future for animals in Pakistan.