Animal Rescue and

Before the inception of ACF, there was minimal awareness or advocacy for distressed animals across Pakistan. ACF has emerged as a pioneering force in the country's animal welfare landscape, tirelessly operating through diverse programs, community engagement endeavors, and awareness campaigns. The organization's overarching goal is to cultivate compassion within society and champion the implementation of robust animal rights legislation.

Animals At the Shelter


Animal Rescue


Donkeys Treated


Animal Market


Dogs Vaccinated


Various Programs to protect Animals in Pakistan

Street Animal Rescue:

Every day, ACF rescues 15-25 animals from the streets of Karachi, many of which are victims of accidents or deliberate abuse. Additionally, abandoned animals, discarded due to age or medical conditions, find refuge in our care. Volunteer reporters monitor street animals, enabling us to provide free medical treatments through community visits.

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Donkey Camps:

ACF conducts donkey camps across Karachi, offering medical care, food, and water to these vital working animals while educating their owners on proper handling and behavior. Recognizing donkeys as crucial sources of income for their owners, ACF employs social mobilization and capacity-building initiatives to promote humane treatment and community welfare.

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Animal Market Interventions:

In Pakistan's animal markets, where animals suffer unspeakable cruelty, ACF conducts the country's first medical camps for abused and neglected animals. These interventions address the urgent medical needs of animals trapped in deplorable conditions, fostering a culture of compassion and awareness.

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Beachside Animal Care:

At Seaview beach, ACF provides free medical treatment to horses and camels used for riding, acknowledging the mutual benefit to both animals and owners. These efforts demonstrate innovative approaches to animal welfare, aiming to enact positive change in the country.

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ACF responds to requests from across Karachi to vaccinate and neuter stray dogs, enhancing safety for animals and humans alike. Through community-driven efforts, ACF conducts vaccination and sterilization drives, educating the public on harmonious coexistence with street animals through engaging educational campaigns and interactive initiatives.

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