Immersive Experience:

ACF's Interactive Zone: Building Empathy Through Experience

At ACF, we believe in fostering understanding for animals through immersive experiences. Our interactive zone allows visitors to participate in activities that shed light on the challenges animals face and the work ACF is doing to help:

  • The Plight of Trapped Animals: The Fish Net Experience simulates the struggle of marine animals entangled in ghost nets, raising awareness about ocean pollution.

  • Understanding Stray Dogs: The Stray Dog Experience puts visitors in the shoes of a stray dog, highlighting the harsh realities they endure.

  • Cage Confinement: The Human Cage Experience allows participants to feel the physical and emotional toll of being caged, mimicking the suffering of animals in pet markets.

  • Walking a Mile in Their Hooves: The Water Bucket Donkey Experience simulates the burden carried by working animals, fostering empathy for their daily struggles.

These engaging experiences are more than just entertainment; they're a powerful call to action. By sparking empathy and understanding, ACF's interactive zone empowers visitors to become advocates for animal welfare.