Animal Market Interventions:

Addressing Animal Suffering in Pakistan's Markets:

ACF tackles the critical issue of animal welfare in Pakistan's animal markets. These markets often house animals in cramped, unsanitary conditions, causing immense suffering.

A Grim Reality:

Imagine cages stacked high, filled with animals screaming in distress. Monkeys, birds, cats, dogs, barely able to move, endure the trauma of separation from their mothers and lack of basic necessities like food and water. Skin and eye infections run rampant, and many animals are severely dehydrated or feverish.

Taking Action:

ACF refuses to accept this as the status quo. Through collaboration with the government, we organize medical relief camps within these markets. This allows our veterinary teams to directly address the animals' urgent medical needs.

By providing vital medical care and advocating for humane treatment, we strive to create a future where all animals are treated with respect and compassion.